Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Liver Pain

--Chicago Chiropractors of Liver Pain--

Liver Pain

Individuals who have liver pain oftentimes delineate it in distinct ways. Some say it is so distressing that it seems their liver is going to burst. Other patients delineate only a dull ache and tenderness in the vicinity of the lower rib cage. Population who have liver pain often say they feel somewhat swollen or bloated in the mid-section.

Liver Pain

Where Does Liver Pain Come From?

Cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, and hepatitis are some of the most serious threats to your liver. There are, in fact, many distinct kinds of liver disease that can follow in pain.

Sometimes, pain can come from the liver itself, but it can also be associated to a disorder in an additional one part of the body, particularly the gallbladder, blood vessels, or the biliary tract. When the pain is as a matter of fact being caused by the liver itself, it typically means the liver has become inflamed due to any number of causes.

If the pain comes from somewhere also the liver, it may be due to disorder of the biliary tract: possibly a stone. Medical professionals call this type of pain "biliary colic." It usually comes on fast, causes some hours of discomfort, then subsides. Pain from this condition starts in your upper middle or upper right quadrant. It may radiate to your shoulder, or to the region in the middle of the shoulder blades in your upper back.

Biliary colic often happens after you've eaten a large fatty meal.

Other causes comprise a liver abscess and cholangitis (inflammation of the biliary duct). Liver cysts sometimes cause pain in the area of the liver too too. Poor gallbladder condition can also cause what feels like liver pain.

Liver Pain Relief

There are a number of medications that are commonly good for relieving liver pain:

Drugs known as Nsaids (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which sell out pain and inflammation. Some Nsaids need a doctor's prescription, but other forms are ready over the counter.

A drug called Meperidine, which is also called Demerol.


Pain in the area of the liver shouldn't be ignored. Anytime you have soreness or tenderness near the bottom of your ribcage, it's best to talk to your doctor. Such hurt could be a symptom of liver of gallbladder problems. These can be serious threats to your long term condition and are right on worth a call to your doctor.

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