Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lower Back Pain - Arthritis - Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

#1. Lower Back Pain - Arthritis - Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Advertisements

Lower Back Pain - Arthritis - Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Lower back pain generally causes foot, heel and ankle pain from spinal nerve root irritation of the L5 and S1 nerve roots. However, the lower back pain may be minimal or absent at the time the foot, heel and ankle is most bothersome.

Lower Back Pain - Arthritis - Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Therefore, if you have pain and hurt with tingling/numbness also in the heel, the question is not linked to tarsal tunnel syndrome. Commonly, the pathology then will shift over to that of arthritis, heel spur or plantar fasciitis.

When the tibial nerve is irritated, there is pain and hurt in the foot and ankle with dullness in the toes. There is also dullness in the sole of the foot but does not include the heel. Before invasive procedures such as surgeries are performed to the foot, heel and ankle region, a standard neuromuscular exam needs to be performed.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which there is pressure and compression on the tibial nerve at the ankle giving rise to foot and ankle pain. There is a tunnel on the inner aspect of the ankle through which the tibial nerve passes, known as the tarsal tunnel. The tunnel runs in the middle of the lower end of the shin bone (tibia) on the inner aspect of the ankle and the heel bone. The tunnel is covered by a ligament known as the tarsal ligament which can press down on the tibial nerve. This is a condition similar to the carpal tunnel syndrome in the hand in which the median nerve is vexed or injured because of pressure by the wrist ligament.

Pain and hurt linked to L5 nerve root will be more distributed to the top of the foot and toes (toward the big toes side) whereas S1 nerve root irritation will be felt in the sole of the foot, side of the foot toward the minuscule toe and heel. With S1 nerve root irritation important to tightness and shortening of the buttock muscle (gluteus maximus) there can be added pressure on the sciatic nerve important to symptoms of pain and hurt in the foot.

To relieve pain and hurt in the foot, motor point stimulation using eToims Twitch Relief formula can be very precisely applied to the spine muscles, and muscles such as the buttock muscles (gluteus maximus), muscles at the side of the hip muscle (gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata), muscles in the inner thigh (especially adductor magnus), muscles in the back of the thigh (hamstrings), muscles in the front of the thigh (quadriceps, especially rectus femoris), calf muscles (gastrosoleus) and muscles in the front and sides of the leg. The foot muscles regularly will not need rehabilitation but can be done.

If the muscles twitch well, pain relief can be immediate and substantial. however in lasting situations with lasting nerve root irritation, the muscles will not twitch well and without strong force twtiches, the results take loner to achieve. The more long standing your problems are and the whole of complications you have had such as fractures and surgeries, the less will be your results. If you do get results from eToims, this type of inpatient will need repeated and ongoing treatments to vocalize the gains made in pain relief and correction in quality of life.

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