Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Long Term Effects of Concussions

#1. Long Term Effects of Concussions

Long Term Effects of Concussions

A concussion is a traumatic head injury that can occur due to a mild or severe blow to the head. Often times, a head injury can appear mild. However, research indicates that there are serious, long-term effects of concussions. In addition, cumulative concussions from repeated head injuries have long-term consequences.

Long Term Effects of Concussions

A recent study done on the effects of concussions in high school athletes discovered that even the less severe concussions can have long chronic effects, especially if the athlete goes back to playing too soon, or has a history of head injuries.

What Happens When A Concussion Occurs?

Under general circumstances, the brain floats in a protective pool of spinal fluid within the skull. However, certain events like a car emergency or hard tackle can cause the brain to slam into the interior walls of the skull. Depending on the intensity of the injury and the brains capability to realign, the damage can be mild to severe. Most habitancy will recover from a mild concussion within just a few hours, yet a more severe injury may cause symptoms for a number of weeks.

For the first few petite following a head injury, the affected party may taste a loss of consciousness, dizziness, uneven dilation of the pupils or feebleness to one side of the body. In some cases, the injured private may feel nauseated or break out in convulsions.

When Symptoms Remain

When the concussion is mild to moderate, the symptoms will dissipate within a few hours with rest. The man may still have problems with orientation or vision, but over time, the brain will recover.

However, when the sustained concussion is severe, the private may taste an extended loss of consciousness, depression, mood swings or even bleeding in the brain. A Ct Scan or Mri as soon as inherent following the injury will be able to resolve the severity of the concussion. Bruising and bleeding of the brain is not all the time considered life threatening, but undiagnosed conditions can be triggered in the event of a concussion.

Post-Concussion Syndrome

About fifteen percent of individuals who suffer a concussion taste post-concussion syndrome, with symptoms that may last for weeks after the injury is healed. In some cases, the effects of a concussion can last for a year or longer.

The reasons for post-concussion syndrome are not clear to doctors and healing researchers. No correlations in the middle of the severity of the injury and the improvement of post-concussion syndrome have been found. In fact, a number of researchers believe that post-concussion syndrome is entirely psychological. However, others argue that there is undoubtedly a healing cause for the condition, even though such a cause remains unidentified.

Post-concussion syndrome tends to be somewhat more prevalent among older individuals, production age an identifiable factor for the condition. In addition, women also seem to be more at risk for being affected by the syndrome than men are.

Essentially, the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome are the same as the symptoms of a concussion that last beyond the first integrate of weeks following a head injury. Post-concussion syndrome symptoms include:

• Changes in mood, such as an increase in irritability
• Changes in memory
• strangeness sleeping
• Dizziness
• Headache
• Fatigue
• Sensitivity to noise or light

Treating post-concussion syndrome begins with the treatment of the introductory concussion. If you lose consciousness following a head injury, you are likely to have a concussion. If the symptoms of the concussion have not passed within a few weeks, your physician may resolve to do a follow-up Mri test to resolve why the injury has not healed completely.

Often times, the severity of a head injury is underestimated. Therefore, it makes good sense to pay a visit to your physician if you maintain a head injury that leads to the symptoms of a mild to severe concussion.

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